Jesus is our King and Saviour and we want everyone to know him for themselves.
Bible Believing
Proclaiming Jesus
Proclaiming Jesus
We believe that God has revealed himself to us through the Bible.
Growing in Faith
Proclaiming Jesus
Growing in Faith
Our desire is to learn more about Jesus and to follow him daily.
What we believe
God has revealed himself to us through the Bible which is God’s message for us today. All we believe is based firmly on what the Bible teaches.
We have all disobeyed God and turned away from Him and deserve God’s anger because of this.
God has shown His love for us by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross. Jesus Christ was punished instead of us so that we could be forgiven for the wrong we have done.
Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will one day return to the earth as ruler and judge.
If we turn from the wrong we have done, believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to be the Lord of our lives, we will be saved from the punishment we deserve and receive everlasting life.
God through his Holy Spirit lives in every believer changing them to be more like Jesus Christ.
Christians witness to their faith in Christ by being baptised. We baptise believers by full immersion.
Christians meet together to share in bread and wine (communion) where we remember and proclaim Jesus' death for us.